Reason v. Faith (WOKs)

RLS: A US Muslim soldier is sent on a mission. The army is only able to provide a small amount of vegetables and pork.

In this situation, reason and faith interfere each other. Consuming pork or pork products is strictly prohibited in Islam. His traditional culture and family, which constructed his faith, forbid him to eat the food provided by the army. However, if the soldier keeps his faith and refuses to eat the pork, he would not get enough energy to finish the mission, or he might even get killed by the enemy because he is too weak. In this condition, the man’s reason tells him to consider to break the Muslim rule once in order to survive, while his faith prohibits him from doing it.

If we look in the point of view of ways of knowing (WOKs), we will see that sometimes two ways of knowing don’t agree with each other, and this is when one gets troubles with choosing which WOK to believe in.

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