Perspective Blog Post from OSC IB Blogs

I have read a very interesting article talking about perspectives and knowledge from OSC IB Blogs and I put a comment underneath it.


My comment:

Hello, Chris. I am really interested in your blog, because it brings up with a completely different perspective of looking at language and racial identity. I am an IB student who is recently concentrating on studying “Perspectives & Knowledge”. I would like to share my thought with you. We, as always, see President Obama as the first black president of the United States. However, as mentioned in your blog, a member of Luo tribe in Kenya said that “had Mr Obama been elected president of Kenya, he would have been our first white president.” While we always label people as blacks when they are only half or even less black, the Luo tribe member holds a completely different perspective. This is a good example showing how our knowledge and our culture affect how we think and our racial and cultural identity. I personally believe, there is no such thing as a correct or an incorrect perspective, because our thoughts are all strongly influenced by the environments that we grow up in, and it is unavoidable to be affected. However, I believe, as we grow up, our world views will expand, and see the world from a more comprehensive perspective and therefore probably understand the differences between races, cultures and people better.

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